
When you ask “Why was jobs layoff?” It won’t be wrong to say the coronavirus breakout sent shockwaves through the global employment trend.

Key Features to enhance your hiring process

The majority of Recruitment Software and Job Portal business are commonly designed with the significant topographies of higher engagement for both employers and job seekers and can avail the benefits of these features to enhance their user experiences to select the right candidate on right place. The acceptance benchmarks of a job portals are on its competence to solve a common set of below Job Board business challenges.

  • Centralised access for all stakeholders.
  • Artificial intelligence for Job search engine.
  • Seamless workflow assimilation with recruitment process.
  • Agile back-end content management system integration.

The benefit of a custom job portal is concerning to mainly three groups of stakeholders we can distinct into:

  • Job Board Business Owner as Portal Admin
  • Hiring Companies as Employer
  • Jobseekers as Candidate

Admin Dashboard

The Job Board Admin dashboard brings everything to one spot. This dashboard is designed to expedite the bird view on your Job Board business activities, benchmark indications, notifications, and user’s activities on Job Portal Administrative Panel. However, the below business vital functionalities are must to have to make your Job Board with easy of doing business:

Document Management

Resume parsing, also known as resume extraction, and allows analyses and store extracted useful information from uploaded CV automatically and converts an unstructured form of resume data into a structured way. This parsing automation provides an efficient way to identify keywords on candidate’s skills, qualifications and work experience data, in order to sort through the heap of huge applications pile to identify the best applicants.

Resume Uploader

Automate CV Extractor

The Resume Parser extracts the resumes and CVs into machine-readable output like XML and JSON.

Advanced Recruitment Tools

Make recruitment and talent management your competitive advantages with the preeminent recruitment mechanism to compete in the market. The advanced recruitment feature provides all the essential tools from the single page to list, view and manage jobs; view applications, and access the analytic insights. This tool helps job seekers and employers to streamline through the hiring process.

Assessment Mechanism

Best Match Automation

Advance Search Bar

Complete Administrative Control

An ideal job portal must have a ubiquitous and user-specific recruitment tool, with step-by-step user guide, indications and responsive wizard in order to provide the meaningful hiring process.

Revenue Models

The Job boards have two source of core audiences for generating money, employers and job seekers as paid listing or premium service. However, most of the job sites focus on one of those two groups – and mostly paid subscription model for employers and job listing companies. This revenue model generates revenue by charging the employers a recurring fee based on either tenure-based subscription or limit with number of job posting on purchased package.

While on the other side, not every job seeker wants to spend money on searching the job, but can pay the minimum amount to increase the visibility of their resume. However, the job portals could charge small amount for registration, which helps them to get a qualified candidate.

Monthly Subscription

Premium Job Listing

Featured Jobs

Resume Access Limits

Banner Advertisement

Quick and Easy Registration

No recruiter or job seeker wants to go around every conversation with unwanted details. The portal should facilitate the job seekers and employers to build a strong profile attracting their leads. The profile page holds all the basic information related to the company and the professional background of the job seekers. Thus, an easy and quick registration is widely preferred by all user groups of Job Board.

You must facilitate your users with login and signup through social accounts including Linked-In, Facebook and Google that can also fetch their basic profile information from.

Candidate Registration

User Profile

Quick Job Application

Social Sign-Up / Sign-In

What sets them apart: The team testimonials on this career page are a nice touch. They highlight people in four completely different roles and give them a platform to share their thoughts and experiences

What is the primary purpose of this website page?

Here, you should ask yourself:

What is the primary purpose of my ‘Careers’ website page?

Always focus on the target audience first and the needs of your company second. Therefore, your ‘Careers’ page should:

  • Help the candidates perform the tasks they came to your website for.
  • Help your company attract the best candidates.

What Do the Candidates Need?

People visit your website to perform various tasks. Some tasks are more important than the others.

Job candidates who already know you want to:

  • See if there are any job vacancies.
  • Apply for an open position.
  • Contact you with questions.

People who don’t know you, or heard very little about you, want to:

  • Learn about the types of jobs in your company.
  • See what kind of a workplace your company is.
  • Decide whether or not they want to keep a closer eye on you for future consideration.
  • Decide whether or not to apply for an open position.
  • Contact you with questions.

Your ‘Careers’ page needs to address the concerns of both of these groups of candidates.

What Does Your Company Need?

Your ‘Careers’ page also needs to make your HR manager happy. It needs to help her separate wheat from chaff and enable her to spend as much time as possible with the best candidate